Electrical Safety Programs (ESP) are the foundation for working safely with electricity. Every employer must have one. These written guidelines for all of their workers who use, install or maintain electrical equipment and systems set the expectations for any worker whose job requires the use of or working around electricity. The program must be inclusive of all those exposed to electrical hazards yet flexible enough to adapt to unique situations, technologies or personnel. LEEinc. is pleased to present ESPS Product in a Box (PIB). A step by step process to guide your company through the maze of regulations and standards in establishing an Electrical Safety Program, Controls and Compliance techniques. An ESP establishes employer controls over all worker's use of electricity. Many of these workers are not equipped to recognize when and where electrical hazards may exist. Current incident data suggests over half of all electrical injuries occur to non-electrical workers. Working on or near electrical systems is hazardous. It only becomes a danger when activities are not controlled.
Everyone deserves a chance to survive!
Everyone deserves a chance to survive!